Episode 164

164 - Return to Revenue using Data Analytics - with Joe Colangelo

Through the pandemic, most show organizers and planners saw their revenue disappear. Now with the return to in-person events, harnessing the power of the data already being captured through Data Analytics can mean a true Return to Revenue for these organizers!

Joe Colangelo is the Co-Founder and CEO of Bear Analytics - a technology company that powers event success. Obsessed by the fundamental belief that data-driven insights make for better event outcomes and experiences, which has led to the development of Bear IQ. Bear IQ is the industry-leading event analytics platform that powers the measurement, design, and growth of the world’s best experiences - all possible via the data you're already collecting.

We Discuss:

  • What are some of the benefits one can expect from Data Analytics?
  • What are some ways today's trade show organizers can use data to grow revenue?
  • How can the average organizers incorporate data into their everyday lives?
  • What is the expected return on investment for event analytics?

Joe's Top Tips:

  1. Your events are generating more meaningful data than ever - enable it to work for you
  2. Analytics is like exercise - a little bit each day goes a long way to overall event health
  3. Behavioral insights is still at its infancy - now's the time to get it working for you

Joe's Top Takeaways:

  • It's easier than ever to get data moving across systems and integrated with systems you use every day
  • Data turns people into superheroes
  • You will see outsized gains that compound event to event by using data - that's the power of compound efficiency

Contact Joe Colangelo:

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Trade Show University for Virtual & Live Events
Value-packed resource for Trade Show exhibitors & producers, and those who run Virtual Events & Webinars. With our passion for shows, we'll help you Get your PhD in ROI.

About your host

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Jim Cermak

Jim Cermak - Trade Show Trainer, Podcast Host & Founder of Trade Show University - has over 30 years of marketing, coaching and training experience. Plus he has planned, exhibited and attended hundreds of trade shows. He knows how to get businesses More Leads, More Sales and Better ROI at their shows, conferences and events. Go grab a spot on his calendar to see what he can do for you: https://calendly.com/tradeshowu