Episode 178
178 - Web3, NFTs & Community Building are the Future - with Rachel B. Lee
We're talking about the Future of Events today. Listen closely to this conversation as we unpack the hottest trends - Web3, NFT's and Community Building - and what they mean for your Trade Shows.
Rachel B. Lee is a fearless brand marketing #ladyboss. Rachel achieved over a billion impressions in 2017 as the social lead for Microsoft Inspire and won the speaker excellence award in 2018 for her session on modern selling and LinkedIn. She’s now Co-Owner and CMO of Standout Authority, helping C-Level executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, and working professionals define their personal brand, create influence through content, and build human connections online.
We Discuss:
- What is Web3 and what it means for you
- How you can use NFT's effectively
- Why community building is so critical right now
- What are creator coins and why Rachel's company uses them
Rachel's Top Takeaways:
- Building a community starts with having a strong personal brand and message
- Web3 has many interesting ways to build community and expand your offerings in new ways
About Standout Authority:
- We are a digital marketing agency focused on personal branding, content creation and LinkedIn strategy, and provide virtual group coaching and live training through our Web3 community and $SOA Creator Coin. Our business helps c-level execs, entrepreneurs, business owners and working professionals discover their voice, define their personal brand, build influence and grow opportunities through human connections
Connect with Rachel B. Lee:
- Website: https://standoutauthority.com/
- Email: rachel@standoutauthority.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/therachelblee/
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