Episode 185

185 - PRO Tip 6 - How to Follow Up Effectively with All Types of Leads

Trade Show PRO Tip #6 explores how to Follow Up Effectively with All types of Leads. OR...in other words...Don’t follow up with all leads the same way!

  • There are different types of leads.  Some cool, some hot, some big, some small. 
  • Some you have a fantastic, in-depth conversation with, and some you just scan their badge.
  • First of all – the follow up starts right during your conversation at the booth. 
  • Huh??  What I mean is this.  Set the tone for a follow up.  Ask them right then and there when would be good to follow up and set a date.  “So what I’ll do is call you a week from Tuesday and we can discuss ABC.  Sound good? Great!  And I’ll shoot you an email with that as well.”
  • Don’t make the mistake of sending a blanket email response to everyone! 
  • Take a minute to take notes right after the conversation and make those follow ups PERSONAL
  • How’s this for an idea – right after the person leaves your booth, take out your phone and record a quick video to send to that person.  It might sound something like this...
  • Hey Bob, it’s Jim from Trade Show U. Was so great talking to you about your company and need for better results at your next show. As we discussed, after you get back to the office, let’s set up that 15-minute discovery call to help you see the huge opportunities out in front of you. Can’t wait to talk soon!
  • Think you might stand out when you do this?
  • So get personal with your follow ups!  Be detailed, be organized and be timely and you WILL see better results!

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Trade Show University for Virtual & Live Events
Value-packed resource for Trade Show exhibitors & producers, and those who run Virtual Events & Webinars. With our passion for shows, we'll help you Get your PhD in ROI.

About your host

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Jim Cermak

Jim Cermak - Podcast Host & "Professor" at Trade Show University - has over 25 years of marketing, consulting and training experience. Plus he has planned, exhibited and attended hundreds of trade shows. His energy and passion for helping companies succeed at their shows is what fueled him to start the Trade Show University podcast.