Episode 151
8 More Tips for Stress Free Travel at Your Events & Getting Back
Here are 8 MORE Trade Show Travel Tips that will reduce your Stress Once you have Arrived at your Event!
Don't miss Episode 144 - 17 Tips for Stress Free Travel to Your Event
1. Get organized the first night. Put stuff where you want it, do all ironing, set yourself up for efficiency
2. Go to the Grocery store. Save money on meals AND can eat healthier!
3. Try to keep your regular routines. Go to bed and wake up at usual times, eat similarly
4. If you forgot something, call the front desk first before panicking or spending time trying to find a nearby store. Often the hotel gives amenities for free.
5. Think of everything you may need to conduct business and bring it with you to the show. Put in your backpack or tote. So many times people forget business cards back in their room, or even laptop or phone chargers. Plan ahead and use a checklist!
6. At the end of a show, if you are heading right from the venue to the airport, know that a lot of other people are probably going to be doing the same thing. Plan ahead for your ride especially if you have a tight time window to catch your flight! I have seen wait for over an hour for a ride when its super busy. So plan ahead, or consider sharing rides with others as well.
7. If renting a car, don’t wait to refill the tank when you get back to airport. Often the gas prices are the highest, plus can be very busy. Fill up further out.
8. When checking out of your hotel, put lights on throughout your room. Then go area by area to check that you didn’t forget anything. When the area is clear, turn the light off in that spot.
And when heading home, many of the same travel tips I shared in Episode 144 apply when you get to the airport, so be sure to take a few minutes and check out that episode here - Episode 144 - 17 Tips for Stress-free Travel
That’s it! What tips do you have? Please share them with me and I will share
them with the audience on social.
Connect with me on linkedin or send me an email to jim@tradeshowu.biz
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