Episode 108

Ep 108 - Can Covid have a Positive Effect for Exhibitors?

Hey Exhibitors - this episode is for you! Here's a question to consider...can Covid have a positive effect on upcoming Trade Shows, Expos, Conferences and Events?

I propose the answer is YES!

I know what you’re probably feeling right now.  You have committed to an upcoming show, and concerned about attendance.  Due to Covid and new variants, there may not be a very strong turnout.

But the show is going on, you did make the commitment and you’re going.  Maybe right now you have the mindset that it’s just not going to be very good. I’m going to tell you something that may make you go, Huh?  Covid may have an overall positive effect on your next show.  Stick with me and by the end you will know how to approach the show so you will be blown away and get results you didn’t think were possible.


This all started with my friend, top podcaster and business coach Christine McAlister (check out her podcast Nobody’s Ever Asked Me That!)  Christine said she was just at a trade show and believed Covid was preselecting the audience.


My mind was blown!  I started thinking and she’s right! I came up with several ways which Covid can bring significant positives to your show IF you approach with an open mind, have the right plan, and have the right mindset.


PRESELECTING the attendees.  Obviously Covid and the variants are having a negative effect on the overall attendance level.  But have you ever thought that the people who are attending are the ones who really want and need to be there?


These are people and businesses who said no matter what is going on in the world, we need to be at this show.  We depend on this show to find new vendors, make our buys for the year, find new innovative solutions, and so much more. 


So this year and at your next show, think Quality over Quantity.  It’s possible that instead of sending several people = some of who are there to just attend workshops, or feel its their job to get the freebies – that company is just sending one person.  Their top decision maker.


Every person can be a qualified lead!  This may actually be the case!


Now let’s talk about the mindset you need to have success.


Attendance will be lower.  Expect it.  Then when you show up you’re not complaining, but ready.  And if it’s better, then bonus!! 


Don’t’ be the person who is whining, I knew this was going to be a bad show.  Say this is great!  Every person is a qualified lead!


And also plan for a slower show!  Check out ahead of the show who the exhibitors are and see which ones you want to connect with.  Then when the show is slow, get out of your booth and go network!


Take advantage of LinkedIn.  Connect with people ahead of the show.  Plan dinners, meetings and more.  And often the show organizers will have groups on linkedin as well.  Jump in there, introduce yourself and your company, and start networking!

Also know when its slow, that gives you opportunities to get into deeper and more meaningful conversations with prospects that usually are reserved when you follow up.


Get YOUR Custom Step-by-Step Road Map for your next show!

Go to tradeshowu.biz/roadmap and check it out. 

My 30+ years of experience, testing, trial & error, and tweaking are given to you in your Custom Road Map! Wish I had it early in my career!!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Trade Show University for Virtual & Live Events
Value-packed resource for Trade Show exhibitors & producers, and those who run Virtual Events & Webinars. With our passion for shows, we'll help you Get your PhD in ROI.

About your host

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Jim Cermak

Jim Cermak - Trade Show Trainer, Podcast Host & Founder of Trade Show University - has over 30 years of marketing, coaching and training experience. Plus he has planned, exhibited and attended hundreds of trade shows. He knows how to get businesses More Leads, More Sales and Better ROI at their shows, conferences and events. Go grab a spot on his calendar to see what he can do for you: https://calendly.com/tradeshowu